For fifty years, ICT relied on the binary system and the difference between 0 and 1. From this emerged unimaginable computing power, but also a 'black-and-white' approach to ICT. The person behind the screen was approached only rationally, based on the data the computer returned. In fact, artificial intelligence and even the most advanced algorithms still offer no more than that. But if we combine these tools in a different way, technology can produce not only zeros and ones, but also 1.5, and all the other variants that suddenly turn black-and-white ICT into a full-colour world. And that's what we want!
We provide technology that allows our customers to engage with data through their preferred senses
As we have already mentioned, our services approach the person behind the screen as a human being. We do this through the senses: hearing and seeing, but in the future perhaps also through feeling, smelling, and tasting. Whether it is in relation to our concepts around robotisation using image recognition technology or knowledge bases: we touch humans through the senses and we focus on a human gift that machines do not possess: Intuition.
The human lead
Intuition, in our view, is not about selecting the right answer. It is about instinctively understanding what information is most relevant and acting accordingly. This uniquely human skill is also a kind of sense. The 'sixth sense', perhaps. At Pegamento, we call this the Human Lead. All our services and products and all our innovations are aimed at improving the Human Lead.
'Human intelligence & artificial intelligence go together. But it is the human lead that enables technological innovation, organisational strength, and successful entrepreneurship.'
This is what distinguishes Pegamento from traditional consultants and ICT parties. The integration of ICT with human senses is a sea change for organisations. They have to make fundamental choices to redesign the organisation (structure and processes) and they have to invest in technology to get the best out of their people. In a nutshell: human skills and operational excellence.